Making it iconic is the mantra to begin a journey into the world of decadently luxurious top of the line cinemas. In the heart of the film capital of India this famed cinema was selected for the first in the series launch. The design exercise began with planning the entire layout by creating a layering of functions in each space & holding them together with vantage f&b experience. Starting with a palette of beige & gold the interior design finishes & material were carefully selected to create a bespoke look & feel.
Featuring amber lit, fin design counters on feature Italian marble flooring & quirky paneled hat ceilings the foyer fancies a hotel bar lounge. Large chandeliers & wall sconces adorn the architecture glamourizing the entire experience. Gold Class is a unique concept of lounge with exclusive cinemas for the discerning customer. The space oozes style the moment you walk in to the distinctive lounge dressed in white italian marble & halo lit wooden ceiling leading up to the louvered panels shimmering in glowing lights.